Slow Furniture

Business: Slow Furniture
Maker: Paul Ashton
Profession: Furniture Maker
Speciality: Tables, Desks, Bench Seats
Location: England, UK
Service Area: England

All our furniture is made from sustainably sourced solid wood, put together with robust joinery, that will ensure it will last for generations. We value our customers and know they want a one-off piece that is well made, so all our furniture is made by myself in my workshop with the utmost care and attention.
— Paul Ashton

Paul was a student inside our 12-week business and marketing course for creative makers.

If you’re not sure how to start, I couldn’t recommend the course enough. It will give you the confidence to get out there and do it! Al + Imo are great people and very hardworking and knowledgeable, not only as makers but as business people. They are always available to help with any queries you may have.
— Paul Ashton
  • I knew I wanted to be a maker, but didn't know how to get started, especially with the business side of things. I found the course on Instagram and was impressed with the way Al + Imo presented themselves.

    So my main goal was to get more attention and thereby reach more potential customers. I also wanted to learn how I could get more structure into my business, build a website and how better marketing works in general.

  • So many things, it would be hard to mention them all. I'd probably say I got the most value from the work we did on figuring out your reasons for wanting to start the business, and then the brand messaging. These are the foundations of your business and enable you to make confident business decisions going forward.

  • Yes, I have my first commissions, which would never had happened otherwise.

  • The weekly Zoom meetings with Al + Imo and the other students were great. I got to meet like-minded makers from around the world and made some friends along the way.

  • It was a brilliant starting template to build your website on. Add in your content and photos and you pretty much have a website ready to go.

Creative Directory

Showcasing creatives, artists & change-makers worldwide.

Imogen Gilchrist

Imogen Gilchrist is a creative director, Squarespace website designer and social media strategist who loves good design & good people.

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