Meister Frenzel

Business: Meister Frenzel
Maker: Jakob Frenzel
Profession: Furniture Maker
Speciality: Living Room Furniture
Location: Dresden, Germany
Service Area: Germany

My goal is to reach out for people and inspire others to become aware of themselves, slow down and enjoy their life. My vision is to create a small, but honestly made range of furniture and gather people around me, with growing a consciousness of buying furniture, which leaves a family heirloom and a green footprint. Simply good furniture.”
— Jakob Frenzel

Jakob was a student inside our 12-week business and marketing course for creative makers.

All I can say is if anyone is reading this and thinking about doing the course DO IT, it’s worth every penny!!!! It was extremely valuable for me and gave me a new perspective on myself, my business and everything I want to achieve with my furniture. I can’t thank you enough for everything Al+Imo have done for me during this time and beyond. They always had an open ear and were approachable when I had a problem or couldn’t get any further. They have always managed to shine with positivity and calm and to make you feel good about yourself and believe in a good business. You are amazing and I am so grateful, to got to know you guys!!!
— Jakob Frenzel
  • I've been self-employed for 2 years and have always had to struggle with the fact that I had few orders or put a lot of time into a quote, which often did not lead to an order. for a long time I also thought it was not necessary to have a digital presence in the form of a website or social media and therefore never dealt with it. After listening to Al+Imo's podcast, I had the courage to rethink myself, my company and my approach to digitisation and therefore decided to do the course.

    So my main goal was to get more attention and thereby reach more potential customers. I also wanted to learn how I could get more structure into my business, build a website and how better marketing works in general.

  • I learned a lot about myself and who I want to be and what kind of business I want to have. What is important to me about my company? What do I want to achieve? What furniture do i want to build? Which customers do I want to reach? The whole process of dealing with yourself and your business again was very, very valuable. I attended the master carpentry school in Germany for a year and during this time I learned significantly less useful theory than in the course from Al+Imo.

  • I finished the Al+Imo course at the end of August. Since then I've launched a website, written blogs, started an email newsletter and created a flyer. All of this stuff was completely new to me and to be honest I'm really an idiot when it comes to tech and computers and all the programs that come with them etc.

    For me, this is a great success and I am very grateful to Al+Imo for this and, above all, proud of myself for having achieved all this.

  • The whole process was very valuable for me. Taking the time to formulate clear goals for yourself and build a brand was intense, but a lot of fun. The weekly calls were also very nice. The exchange with other creative people and Al+Imo personally was really a lot of fun.

    It also gives you a lot of security that you are not alone with your worries and fears, but that many out there feel the same way with their business. And AL+Imo looked after everyone and gave us all repeatedly creative ideas and suggestions and were able to collect everyone as an individual exactly where they had problems.

  • Like I said I'm not the best with computers. The template was great for me because it was clearly specified what should be on the website. So all I had to do was think about my personal content and put everything in the right place. It definitely made creating my website a lot easier for me!

Creative Directory

Showcasing creatives, artists & change-makers worldwide.

Imogen Gilchrist

Imogen Gilchrist is a creative director, Squarespace website designer and social media strategist who loves good design & good people.

Slow Furniture


Al + Imo