Multi-Platform Marketing For Furniture Makers

What would you do if your Instagram disappeared tomorrow?


Recently a friend with a business had their Instagram disabled, they had over 40K followers, had spent tens of thousands of dollars on advertising through the platform, and heavily relied on it as a main sales channel. 

This was months ago and after trying everything and anything to get their account back they kept hitting dead ends and have had to start all over, from scratch. 

This thought has always frightened us, we’re never ones to put all of our eggs in one basket. In this episode we’re going to chat about the importance of multi-platform marketing and the platforms we choose to be on.

What is multi-platform Marketing?

Multi-platform marketing is a strategy that involves promoting a brand or product across multiple marketing channels and platforms. This can include a combination of digital channels such as websites, social media, email marketing as well as traditional channels like print, radio, and television advertising. The goal of multi-platform marketing is to reach the target audience in different ways and on different devices, increase brand awareness and engagement, and ultimately drive conversions and sales.

Reach Wider Audience: 

Different platforms have different user demographics and by marketing on multiple platforms, you increase your chances of reaching a wider audience.

Better Engagement:

Having a presence on multiple platforms increases your chances of engagement as followers can interact with your brand in different ways.

Data ownership:

By having your own website and email list you own and control your data, making it easier to nurture relationships with your followers.

Direct selling:

Having your own website platform allows you to sell directly to your customers (rather than relying solely on other platforms like Etsy, Facebook Marketplace etc)

Improved SEO:

By having a presence on multiple platforms, you can improve your search engine optimisation and increase your visibility in search results.

Increased credibility:

Having a professional website, social media profiles and business listings across different platforms helps build credibility and trust with your target audience.

Platforms we’re on

Website - Squarespace

Email Marketing - Flodesk (use discount code ALANDIMO







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Imogen Gilchrist

Imogen Gilchrist is a creative director, Squarespace website designer and social media strategist who loves good design & good people.

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