Free 2023 Goal Setting Guide - Let's Go!

We're stoked that you are here - it means you're keen on having a pretty epic 2023 - just like us!! We have been writing yearly goals lists together for the past 7 years, we do it at the beginning of each year. Although we don't look at them often throughout the year when we do we're pretty amazed to see we've ticked things off without even thinking about it.

We've realised the power of writing down exactly what we want and in the process, we're achieving better health, wealth and happiness. Now, this isn't to say if you just write it down it's going to happen... you've got to work at it every day.

Imo does a lot of goal-setting strategy sessions with clients and friends and have witnessed the unbelievable power of writing down what you want and having a clear vision. So we’ve decided to take all of our goal-setting notes and create a free downloadable guide - this is literally a step-by-step, break-it-down guide on setting goals and achieving them for better health, wealth and happiness.

7 Benefits Of Goal Setting In Your Personal And Professional Life

1. Establishes a Sense of Purpose

Goal setting provides focus on what needs to be done, allowing you to set clear objectives and work towards them with a sense of purpose.

2. Builds Motivation

Having an end goal in sight can serve as a powerful motivator to stay on track and keep pushing toward success.

3. Enhances Focus

When you set goals, you become more focused on achieving them. This improved focus helps to reduce distractions and procrastination, allowing you to stay on task and reach your goals.

4. Improves Performance

The act of setting and working towards goals helps to improve performance by creating a sense of accountability and increasing effort.

5. Encourages Self-Improvement

By setting goals, you are able to challenge yourself and strive for self-improvement.

6. Increases Confidence

As you achieve your goals, you become more confident in your ability to succeed and can use this confidence to tackle even more challenging objectives.

7. Provides Direction

Goals provide direction and structure, allowing you to create a road map for success.

Steps To Setting Goals

1. Identify Your Desired Outcome

Start by deciding what you want to achieve. Be clear and specific about your goals.

2. Set a Timeline

Establish a timeline for achieving your goal. Break down the goal into smaller steps and set milestones and deadlines along the way

3. Make a Plan

Make a plan of action to achieve your goal, including the steps you will take and when.

4. Take Action

Start taking action to achieve your goal. Focus on taking small, concrete steps that will lead you closer to achieving your goal.

5. Track Progress

Track your progress regularly to ensure you are on track to achieving your goal.

6. Adjust and revise

If you find that you are not making progress, make adjustments and revise your plan

7. Celebrate Success

Celebrate each success along the way and recognise your progress.

This guide will help you break your big year goals down into bite-sized pieces and you'll be ticking things off in no time. Our biggest piece of advice; make sure to celebrate all of your wins - the big and the small - it'll give your success momentum and push you to work harder, dream bigger and live larger.

Dreams should be shared, so if you love this please tell your friends and family about it and if you'd like to share your goals with us, take a photo and tag @al_and_imo // #alandimo

We wish you all the best for a big 2023, let's do this!


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Imogen Gilchrist

Imogen Gilchrist is a creative director, Squarespace website designer and social media strategist who loves good design & good people.

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