3 Steps To Plan Ahead For Success In Your Furniture Making Business.

If you want to grow your business it’s really important that you think ahead and come up with a solid plan. As we lead into a new year we’ve been planning ahead to make sure that we allow ourselves realistic timeframes to achieve all of the things we want to in our business.

In this blog post we’re going to share with you our top 3 steps that we use to plan ahead for success in our furniture making business. Chances are if you’re new to business, these steps may be new to you too!

1. Mark Important Dates In A Calendar

We use Google Calendar to do this, we’ve created different calendars for different areas of our personal lives and business. For example - Furniture Orders, Online Course, Podcast, Daycare, Holidays etc.

  1. Schedule holidays and time off

  2. Decide what dates throughout the year we are going to take furniture orders & run our online course

  3. Mark out confirmed orders with estimated make times & ETA on deliveries

  4. SchedulewhenweareworkingonthehouseORotherprojects. Within these block notes on what we want to achieve in that time (get specific)

  5. Add in our daughter’s daycare days and swap days which fall on public holidays

2. Cash Flow Forecasting

To set up cash flow forecasting, you can use accounting software for this but we find a simple Google Sheets spreadsheet does the trick! We create tabs for each month with an expenses column and an income column.

  1. Add in any confirmed payments you are expecting to receive

  2. Add in business expenses such as tax, wages, super, materials estimate for upcoming jobs, subscriptions, bills etc

  3. Project whether you are making more money than you are spending

  4. Withleftovermoneyyoucaninvestbackintoyourbusiness-like buying new tools or paying for advertising

3. Plan Out Marketing Strategies

The content you post online has the power to turn your brand into a household name and turn your followers into fans. This kind of impact only comes from having a solid marketing strategy. Unfortunately it’s not enough to show up on every platform, sporadically update your audience when you have the time, cross your fingers and hope for the best.

The way to stand out online is to:

1. Identify specific goals with time frames

2. Create valuable content that align with those goals

3. Distribute information across multiple platforms - website, email,

social media


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Imogen Gilchrist

Imogen Gilchrist is a creative director, Squarespace website designer and social media strategist who loves good design & good people.


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